11 tips to success at Job Fairs.

11 tips to success at Job Fairs.

What research you should do before attending job fair? How to make a better impression with
employers? Here are 11 tips to success at Job Fairs.

1. Obtain the list of attending companies

If you can, get the list of attending companies so you can do your homework before the big day.
Check out attending company website and find out what their corporate culture looks like and
discover any current career openings to apply for.

2. Update your professional resume.

If possible, have a professional resume writer update the resume formatting and add some
new power words in your summary of skills

3. Make a better impression with networking cards.

Create some professional looking networking cards online that include your name, contact phone
and email, a website or blog address, and your social media account info (especially LinkedIn).
Then print them out yourself or get them mailed to your place in advance.

4. Treat yourself to a new haircut and manicure.

You want to look your best when you walk into the job fair. Get a nice haircut and a manicure so
you are not judged negatively on your appearance for any reason.

5. Pick out a power outfit for the job fair.

You will radiate confidence if you look your best. Take the time to choose job fair attire that is
professional, conservative, and comfortable.

6. Make a list of at least 5 great questions. 

Note down at least 5 industry relevant questions you can ask when interacting with hiring
managers at the job fair.

7. Practice your introduction and eye contact.

Use an open and friendly stance with frequent eye contact and avoid any odd body language.

8. Drive by the day before the job fair.

To increase your comfort level about attending a job fair, try to drive by the day before to scope
the place out.

9. Give yourself a pep talk in the mirror. 

It is time to check yourself in the mirror. Be your own best friend by saying positive affirmations
and boosting your self-esteem.

10. Make connections at the job fair.

Take the time to greet everyone in a friendly manner, extending your hand, and exchange
networking cards.

11. Follow up with recruiters.

Take the time to follow up with the recruiters and others you met there.

If you need more support for attending a Job Fair or to know about Upcoming Job Fairs, please
contact your tutors.

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