1.0 Policy
Results Consortium Higher Education Reasonable Adjustment Policy and Procedure
To deliver its strategic policy aims of excellence in: Curriculum Innovation; Learning, Teaching and Assessment; and the Student Experience, Results Consortium (Results) has a policy of enabling access for people who may have differing individual requirements and providing learning and assessment facilities that are equally accessible for all. This means making reasonable individual adjustments wherever necessary.
Reasonable adjustment is part of Results’ planned compliance with the UK Quality Code for Higher Education. In particular when supporting students as described in this procedure, compliance with core practice Q9.
The UK Quality Code sets out the following Expectation:
Q9: The provider supports all students to achieve successful academic and professional outcomes.
The Equality Act 2010 requires all organisations to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that a learner who is disabled as defined by the Act is not placed at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to learners who are not disabled.
To comply with the law and the quality code Results Consortium will:
- Request details of individual student’s requirements for reasonable adjustments prior to engaging in a contract to supply teaching, learning and assessment services
- Plan to apply reasonable adjustments prior to the start of the student journey
- Provide a procedure for the application of extenuating circumstances following student assessment activities
- Provide procedures for students to appeal against a decision to decline a request for reasonable adjustments or extenuating circumstances
2.0 Procedure
T2.1 The Results Academic Board is responsible for implementation and oversight of this procedure.
2.2 Programme Leaders are responsible for the processes of; requesting details of individual learner’s requirements, planning to make reasonable adjustments during teaching and learning activities through the programme and planning to make reasonable adjustments during assessment activities.
2.3 Requests for reasonable adjustments should be made by students at the time of registration. When a reasonable adjustment request is received, Results will notify the student within 5 days of receipt of the request if the request cannot be fulfilled. Appeals against admission decisions may be made according to the Results Higher Education Programme Admission Appeals Policy and Procedure HEADM3.
2.4 Where reasonable adjustments are required by a learner the Programme Leader will brief Course Tutors on the adjustments needed and ensure that the adjustments are in place. Students who believe that their request has not been reasonably implemented should raise the issue with the Programme Leader.
2.5 Where a learner has been disadvantaged during an assessment activity, extenuating circumstances may be applied for after the assessment has taken place. Reasons for extenuating circumstances could be; temporary illness, injury or adverse circumstances at the time of the assessment. Where possible, independent supporting evidence must be supplied. Please refer to Results Extenuating Circumstances in Assessment Policy and Procedure HEDEL3.
2.6 The Programme Leader will maintain logs of all requests for reasonable adjustments and make a report on past requests at the Annual Review of Programme, ref: Results HE Annual Review of Programmes Policy and Procedure HEQA1.