1.0 Introduction
Results Consortium Higher Education Programme Admission Policy and Procedure
1.1 To deliver its strategic policy aim of excellence in the Student Experience, Results Consortium (Results) has a policy of complying with the UK Quality Code for Higher Education.
1.2 The use of a documented admission procedure is part of Results’ planned compliance with that code. In particular when admitting students to a programme, as described in this procedure, compliance with Quality Expectation Q1 from the UK Quality Code for Higher Education.
1.3 The UK Quality Code sets out the following Expectation:
Q1 The provider has a reliable, fair and inclusive admissions system.
2.0 Procedure
2.1 The Results Academic Board is responsible for implementation of this procedure and, by review of policies, procedures and records, ensuring that applicants are not discriminated against on the grounds of protected characteristics as defined by the UK Equality Act 2010. Results operates a published Equality and Diversity Plan.
2.2 Results will only offer admission to applicants that meet the selection criteria set by our Awarding organisations. In addition, applicants must evidence suitable levels of proficiency in English language and communication skills. Importantly, Results will also determine the suitability of an applicant for a particular course through an interview process.
2.3 The minimum entry requirements for each course will be published on the Results website and in the Results prospectus.
2.4 Recognition of Prior Learning. For students returning to formal learning Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) may be considered. Admission decisions that include RPL will be made by the Results Admissions Panel and will consider the relevance, sufficiency, authenticity and currency of the evidence supplied, before making an admission decision.
2.5 Student applications for a programme will be collected by appointed Results Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) specialists.
2.6 Admission decisions will be the responsibility of the Results Admissions Panel. The Admissions Panel will meet at an interval of between six to eight weeks before the next group intake. The Results Admissions Panel will be appointed by the Results Academic Board and consist of:
2.6.1 The Programme Leader
2.6.2 At least two members of the academic staff teaching on the programme.
2.6.3 A member of Results administrative staff
2.7 Cohort intakes to Results HE programmes will take place in February and September. This means that the corresponding Admission Panel Meetings will take place in December/January and July/August.
2.8 Applicants who do not currently meet the Results published admission criteria will be advised of the decision and offered a telephone IAG session with a Results specialist. Student applications that are unsuccessful will be retained for one year after notification from the Programme Leader of the decision to refer the applicant to Results Information and Guidance (IAG) services. After two years they will be disposed of.
2.9 Applicants whose profiles meet the admission criteria for an HE programme will be offered a telephone, video or face-to-face interview, according to the applicant’s preference, with the Programme Leader, or other tutor or manager at Results premises, to assess their suitability. Details of the interview will be recorded on a pro- forma (ref: Results HE Applicant Interview Form, HEADM2) and will be maintained by the Programme Leader for the duration of the applicant’s HE programme. The purpose of the interview is to assess the suitability of the applicant to commence a programme of study.
2.10 Applicants who are not successful at the interview stage will be advised of the decision within ten working days of the interview and offered a telephone IAG session with a Results specialist. Records relating to applicants unsuccessful at the interview stage will be disposed of two calendar years after the interview process is completed.
2.11 The Results Admissions panel will sample 10% of unsuccessful applications each quarter to review the related documentation to assess the Information Advice and Guidance service given, recommending improvements where appropriate.
2.12 Applicants who are successful at the interview stage will be required to provide evidence of all the academic qualifications claimed in their application, for scrutiny by the Results Admissions Panel.
2.13 Following scrutiny by the Results Admissions Panel, applicants will be informed of the decision within ten working days of the panel decision.
2.14 Applicants who are successful at the Results Admissions Panel stage will be sent a letter (by email where appropriate) that informs the applicant of the panel decision. There are three possible outcomes:
2.14.1 Conditional Offer: The panel has assessed that the applicant will be ready to start the chosen programme provided certain conditions are met. The terms and conditions of the offer will be made clear to the applicant in their conditional offer letter.
2.14.2 No Offer: The panel has assessed that the applicant does not currently meet the requirements of the programme or is not satisfied with the applicant’s ability to successfully study on their chosen programme. The panel will indicate the reason(s) for decision (for example: academic grades too low, programme not suitable, or the panel is not convinced of the applicant’s intention to study and/or comply with the requirements of the programme).
2.14.2 No Offer: The panel has assessed that the applicant does not currently meet the requirements of the programme or is not satisfied with the applicant’s ability to successfully study on their chosen programme. The panel will indicate the reason(s) for decision (for example: academic grades too low, programme not suitable, or the panel is not convinced of the applicant’s intention to study and/or comply with the requirements of the programme).
2.15 In order to join the programme, applicants must accept or reject any offer within two weeks of receiving the offer letter. Results reserves the right to reject or postpone late applications.
2.16 For students that are supported by Student Finance, the college admissions team will carry out due diligence before issuing an admission letter to successful applicants that have responded affirmatively to their offer letter.
2.17 For privately funded students the college admissions team will issue an admission letter only on receipt of the first tuition fee deposit.
2.18 Successful applicants who have met all the conditions described in this procedure will be sent an admissions letter.
2.19 Information (New Student Information Pack) sent to successful applicants, by Results, prior to the start of their programme must include:
2.19.1 A Student Handbook for the Programme. This will include a Results Student Support Services information.
2.19.2 Details of programme induction.
2.19.3 A list of units showing Tutors and their contact details, including any online videos available to introduce tutors and support learning.
2.19.4 Contact details for the student’s Personal Tutor.
2.19.5 Contact details for the Programme Leader.
3.1 If an applicant wishes to appeal any decision relating to their application, they must follow the Appeal Policy.
3.2 At a point approximately two weeks after the start of the teaching programme for a student, the Programme Leader will review attendance at live events and use of the Virtual Learning Environment by the student in order to identify students who have not engaged and therefore considered at risk of non-completion. Students falling into this category will be contacted and offered support and guidance.
3.3 Information from admissions data will be collected by Programme Leaders for presentation at the Annual Review of Programme, Policy and Procedure.