1.0 Policy
Results Consortium Higher Education Programme Admission Appeals Policy and Procedure
To deliver its strategic policy aim of excellence in the Student Experience, Results Consortium (Results) has a policy of complying with the UK Quality Code for Higher Education. By having a clear appeals policy for rejected applications in place, as described in this procedure, Results aims to ensure compliance with Quality Expectation Q1 from the UK Quality Code for Higher Education.
The UK Quality Code sets out the following Expectation:
Q1 The provider has a reliable, fair and inclusive admissions system.
2.0 Procedure
2.1 The Results Academic Board is responsible for implementation of this procedure and, by review of policies, procedures and records, will ensure that no applicants are discriminated against. The procedure ensures that any appeals are handled in a transparent way and all applicants are offered an equal opportunity for admission to the college.
2.2 Where an application is rejected because of an inability to privately fund studies, the applicant may contact the Results Administration Team with additional evidence of his/her ability to cover the cost of tuition fees. The Results Admission Panel will then review the application and make a final decision.
2.3 Where an applicant appeals against an English language or numeracy offer condition and does not believe that a further test is required, the applicant should send a written statement describing the reasons for the appeal to the Results Administration Team. The Results Admission Panel will then review the application and make a final decision. Results reserves the right to request a re-sit of any conditional test prior to re-consideration of an application.
2.4 Where an applicant appeals against a decision on any grounds other than those described in 2.2 and 2.3 of this procedure, they should contact the Results Administration Team with a written statement describing why their application should be accepted. The Results Admission Panel will then review the application and make a final decision.
2.5 Where an applicant believes that they have been not been treated fairly in the admissions process, they may make a complaint against Results in accordance with Student Complaints Procedure HEQA5. Applicants wishing to appeal admission decisions must follow the procedure detailed above first. Complaints about application decisions made under the Results Student Complaints Procedure (HEQA5), that are not accompanied by evidence that this Admissions Appeals Procedure (HEADM3) has first been followed and exhausted will not be considered.
2.6 In all matters relating to admission decisions, the College Director of Studies’ decision is final.