Progression Policy

1. Introduction

1.1 To deliver its strategic policy aims of excellence in: Curriculum Innovation; Learning, Teaching and Assessment; and the Student Experience, Results Consortium Ltd. (thereafter ‘the College’) has a policy of planning student progression to ensure that academic standards are met, the value of qualifications awarded is in line with sector-recognised standards and Awarding Body requirements.

1.2 The purpose of this policy is to explain how a student may progress from Level 4 to Level 5, how that progress is monitored, whether sufficient academic progress is being made by individual students and how the College applies study restrictions to those students who experience repeated difficulties in successfully completing their study. The policy also explains how students can apply to return to study following a study restriction.

2. Principles of Academic Progress

2.1 The Higher National Certificate (HNC) is a Level 4 qualification made up of 120 credits.

2.2 The Higher National Diploma (HND) is a Level 4 and Level 5 qualification made up of 240 credits.

2.3 In order for a student to progress to the next year of the programme they must normally pass all required units for the year of study to have achieved at least 90 credits at Level 4 before progressing to Level 5 units. This will allow the student to submit the remaining 30 credits at Level 4 while continuing with their Level 5 study.

2.4 If a student’s assignment does not pass after the first assessment, they must have the opportunity to resubmit the assignment for reassessment and the grade will be capped at a pass. Students can have the assignment reassessed once only. If coursework, project or portfolio-based assignments need to be reassessed, this will usually involve carrying out the original activity again. For examinations, reassessment will involve completing a new activity.

2.5 If an HND student does not complete the full qualification, they may be awarded an HNC if they have gained enough credits.

2.6 Students will be deemed not to be making sufficient academic progress if they have not successfully completed three consecutive units as part of their HND study.

2.7 Students will be considered to have not successfully completed a unit if they cancel their registration, or if they defer from the unit after the unit begins, or if they receive an Unclassified result for the unit in either their first attempt, or a resubmission attempt.

2.8 Progression decisions can only be agreed by Assessment Boards after external moderation.

3. Conditions for the award of Certificate and Diploma

3.1 To achieve a Pearson BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate qualification,
a student must have:

  • completed units equivalent to 120 credits at Level 4, and
  • achieved at least a pass in 105 credits at Level 4.

3.2 To achieve a Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma qualification, a student must have:

  • completed units equivalent to 120 credits at Level 5
  • achieved at least a pass in 105 credits at Level 5
  • completed units equivalent to 120 credits at Level 4, and
  • achieved at least a pass in 105 credits at Level 4.

3.3 Students who have attempted but not achieved a pass in one of their Level 4 15-credit units can still be awarded an HNC if they have completed and passed the remaining units.

3.4 Students who have attempted but not achieved a pass in one of their Level 4 15-credit units and one of their Level 5 15-credit units can still be awarded an HND if they have completed and passed the remaining units at both levels as per rules of combination of the required qualification.

3.5 A student’s overall qualification grade is based on their performance in all units. They are awarded a pass, merit or distinction using the points gained through all 120 credits, at Level 4 for the HNC or Level 5 for the HND. The overall qualification grade is calculated in the same way for the HNC and the HND. For HND, the overall qualification grade is based on student performance in Level 5 units only.

Students must have attempted all units in a valid combination for each qualification. The conditions of award and compensation arrangements will apply as explained above. If a student has been granted compensation for a unit attempted but not achieved, that unit will appear as Unclassified (a ‘U’ grade) on the notification of performance provided with their certificate.

Progression Policy

4. Monitoring Academic Progress

4.1 The Progress Board will monitor the progress of all students.

4.2 Students who have not completed three consecutive units, will be ‘at risk’ of not making sufficient academic progress and they will be contacted to agree a plan to improve their study. They will be permitted to continue with the next term.

4.3 Students who have a low attendance rate will be at risk of not making sufficient academic progress and they will be contacted according to the Student Attendance and Engagement Policy.

4.4 A student’s status may be terminated if the student is not making sufficient academic progress as defined in the Attendance and Engagement Policy.

Progression Policy