IT Acceptable Use Policy

1 Scope

1.1 This policy applies to all student users of The Results’ network, IT services and facilities

1.2 It applies whether students are on or off Results’ premises.

2 Use of the internet

2.1 On site, Results provides internet access to assist students in their studies. By accessing the internet from The Results network, students agree to all terms and conditions of The Results Network Acceptable Use Policy.

2.2 All internet activity is monitored for security and personal safety purposes, and it is possible to identify individual usage.

2.3 Examples of acceptable use of the internet include, but are not limited to:

• research for assignments and assessments
• access to cloud storage of academic work
• using online learning materials, e.g. from Canvas, Moodle or other Virtual Learning Environments
• use of an e-portfolio
• participating in forums or online groups appropriate to the course.

2.4 Students are expected to respect this privilege. Any abuse may result in the
withdrawal of Internet access and, in the event of a serious breach, may lead to the use of disciplinary procedures,

2.4 Some areas of the internet contain information, in textual or graphic form, which could cause offence to other people or may be illegal to download or view. Students are prohibited from knowingly accessing, viewing or downloading such material

2.5 Students should never bring Results into disrepute through use of social media.
Examples include, but are not limited to:

• uploading content which shows or condones antisocial behaviour or illegal activities
• making derogatory statements about Results or Results staff or other learners
• revealing confidential information about Results or Results staff or other learners
• cyberbullying or stalking through social media
• joining or posting on proscribed extremist groups or forums

2.6 Students should never use images relating to Results or any Results staff or students without written permission from the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

2.7 Students are not permitted to download and/or install software to any Results
hardware; this is exclusively for those with assigned Administrator Access.

2.8 Results reserves the right to withdraw internet access for any student found or
believed to be:

• in possession of material, which is sexist, racist, abusive, defamatory or obscene
• in possession of material promoting discriminatory actions or illegal behaviour, including promotion of material which could be associated with terrorism or in breach of our statutory obligations under the Prevent Policy
• in possession of any material which is in breach of copyright legislation
• using Results network to obtain such material
• using Results network to distribute such material
• using Results network to bring Results into disrepute
• downloading or installing software
• frequently using services that are unrelated to their course, causing Results’ staff to be concerned about the effect of this activity on achievement with course work
• playing online games, other than those created for learning purposes as part of the student’s course
• using online chat services, unless specifically authorised by a tutor
• using Results network in any way that is disrespectful or potentially harmful to other students, Results staff, or the hardware and software provided by Results

Personal safety when using the internet

3.1 There is evidence that some websites, including those used for academic purposes, are accessed by users who wish to exploit others. Students are advised to exercise care when communicating through the internet with people they do not know personally.

3.2 The following guidelines should be followed:

• Never arrange a meeting alone with someone you have met on the internet.
• Never disclose any personal information through the internet to unknown persons or organisations.
• Be aware that any unknown persons you are communicating with through the internet may not be who you think they are and photographs they display may not be their own.

4 Saving and backing up work

4.1 It is the student’s responsibility to save their work. It is essential that students save their work frequently to the space which has been set up for this purpose, following file-naming and saving protocols.

3.2 Students are advised to back up assessment and other important work in cloud storage. Some students have lost important work in the past because they have not done this. Students will be provided with information on how to save and back up documents.

3.3 USB data storage devices, such as pen drives, memory sticks, portable hard drives, are not allowed due to cyber security risks.

4 Data Protection

4.1 The College must follow rules too. We need to gather, process and store
personal data from students so that we can provide an excellent service and meet the requirements of regulators such as the Office for Students, our partners, such as Leeds Trinity University, and Awarding Organisations.

4.2 According to the General Data Protection Act 2018, the College must follow
these rules for all data we collect:

• processed fairly and lawfully
• obtained for a specified and lawful purpose and processed only for that purpose
• adequate, relevant and not excessive for those purposes
• accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date
• kept for no longer than is necessary for that purpose then securely disposed of
• processed in accordance with the data subject’s (student’s) rights
• kept secure from unauthorised or unlawful processing
• protected against accidental loss

5 Intellectual Property Rights – Copyright

5.1 Copyright laws allow owners of copyrights to take legal action where materials are used without permission.

5.2 Copyright laws may apply to materials published on the internet (such as text, audio, videos, movies, music or graphics), even if there is no direct statement on a website about copyright.

5.3 Users of Results network and IT facilities must follow the copyright laws. Users must not:

• use illegal copies of a licensed computer program
• download, copy, store or transmit copyrighted materials without permission
• access any systems for which they are not authorised

6 Health and Safety

6.1 This section of the policy gives guidance for protecting your health and safety whilst using Results’ computers.

6.2 It is the user’s responsibility to

• take regular breaks from the computer screen
• adjust chairs to support the lower back
• maintain an upright position above waist level
• tilt the keyboard using the props at the back
• type with wrists straight and with hands in line with arms
• place the mouse at a comfortable distance from the edge of the table to avoid stretching arms
• adjust the screen so that eyes are at the same level as the top of the screen
• position the screen appropriately to avoid glare and adjust the brightness of the screen to the lighting conditions in the room
• leave enough room under the desk for free movement of legs
• change sitting positions from time to time
• Keep the workstation free from drinks or food.

6.3 Bags or other items must not be placed where they are in the way of anyone walking past or using another computer.

6.4 Students must use their own personal headsets on computers where learning requires sound.

7 Security and Privacy

7.1 To ensure security of the systems and the privacy of users, you must not

• access the network with someone else’s details
• give your own access details to someone else
• access the network through other unauthorised means

7.2 You are advised to save your work on a regular basis while using College systems.

8 Printing

8.1 Results is committed to reducing the environmental impact of its activities including the use of paper and ink for printing. All learners are asked to support this aim.

8.2 Only essential documents should be printed within the allocated allowance, using draft quality and black and white whenever possible. Print preview should be used to ensure the document prints as expected to reduce wastage and unwanted copies.

9 Blended Learning and Learning Support

9.1 With technological advances in education it is vital that all students know how to use various tools that facilitate teaching and learning from anywhere in the world. Students are prepared for online and blended learning in induction and throughout their course.

9.2 Redesigning courses for fully online or blended delivery will involve new ways of thinking about learning, teaching and assessment. The focus is on the adaptation of existing modules for delivery in an alternative context and securing student engagement online.

9.3 Results college has committed itself to boost its IT and digital services by incorporating 3 rd parties and own team to make sure the business operations run smoothly without any hindrances to the digital learning environment.

9.4 All students can contact technical support via

IT Acceptable Use Policy