1.0 Policy
Results Consortium Higher Education Assessment Malpractice - Students Policy and Procedure
To deliver its strategic policy aims of excellence in: Curriculum Innovation; Learning, Teaching and Assessment; and the Student Experience, Results has a policy minimising the risk of malpractice and responding to reports of malpractice in a prompt and objective way.
This malpractice policy is part of Results’ planned compliance with the UK Quality Code for Higher Education expectations that: The academic standards of courses meet the requirements of the relevant national qualifications framework; the value of qualifications awarded to students at the point of qualification and over time is in line with sector-recognised standards; courses enable a student’s achievement to be reliably assessed and all students are provided with the support that they need to succeed in and benefit from higher education.
Pearson Awarded Qualifications
Policy Aims:
1. To identify and minimise the risk of malpractice by staff or learners
2. To respond to any incident of alleged malpractice promptly and objectively
3. To standardise and record any investigation of malpractice to ensure openness and fairness
4. To impose appropriate penalties and/or sanctions on learners or staff where Incidents (or attempted incidents) of malpractice are proven
5. To protect the integrity of this centre and BTEC qualifications
1.1 In order to do this, Results will:
1.1.1 Seek to avoid potential malpractice by using the student induction period and the student handbook to inform learners of the centre’s policy on malpractice and the penalties for attempted and actual incidents of malpractice
1.1.2 Show learners the appropriate formats to record cited texts and other materials or information sources
1.1.3 Ask learners to declare that their work is their own
1.1.4 Ask learners to provide evidence that they have interpreted and synthesised appropriate information and acknowledged any sources used
1.1.5 Conduct an investigation in a form commensurate with the nature of the malpractice allegation. Such an investigation will be supported by the Director of Studies / Principal / CEO and all personnel linked to the allegation. It will proceed through the following stages: Make the individual fully aware at the earliest opportunity of the nature of the alleged malpractice and of the possible consequences should malpractice be proven Give the individual the opportunity to respond to the allegations made Inform the individual of the avenues for appealing against any judgment made Document all stages of any investigation.
1.2 Where malpractice is proven, this centre will apply the following penalties / sanctions:
1.2.1 Students suspected of malpractice/maladministration will be suspended, pending results of the investigation identified in item 1.1.5
1.2.2 Students found to be involved in malpractice will be disciplined, according to Results’ Student Disciplinary Procedures.
1.3 Definition of Malpractice by Students:
This list is not exhaustive and other instances of malpractice may be considered by this centre at its discretion:
1.3.1 Plagiarism of any nature
1.3.2 Collusion by working collaboratively with other learners to produce work that is submitted as individual learner work
1.3.3 Copying (including the use of ICT to aid copying)
1.3.4 Deliberate destruction of another’s work
1.3.5 Fabrication of results or evidence
1.3.6 False declaration of authenticity in relation to the contents of a portfolio or coursework
1.3.7 Impersonation by pretending to be someone else in order to produce the work for another or arranging for another to take one’s place in an assessment/examination/test.
2.0 Procedure for Pearson Awarded Qualifications
2.1The Results Academic Board is responsible for implementation and oversight of this procedure.
2.2 The Director of Studies is responsible for managing and, where necessary, investigating all reported or otherwise identified instances of Centre or Student malpractice.
2.3 In order to minimise the risk of student malpractice all students should pay careful attention to this procedure and the details given in their induction and the Student Handbook.
2.4 Student declaration: All students should complete, sign and date an authenticity statement, and include it with each assignment that they submit.
2.5 Students are reminded of the requirement to correctly reference work that is used in completing an assignment. At Results the Harvard Referencing system is used. See the Student Handbook for details. Students are also reminded that study skills sessions, held as part of the programme, will cover this aspect of academic study.
2.6 All students studying at Results are expected to report suspected malpractice to the Programme Leader, who will pass details to the Director of Studies.
2.7 The Director of Studies will investigate reported instances of malpractice and gather evidence as appropriate. This may include the review of records, reports and student submissions as the Director Studies considers appropriate. The Director of Studies may also organise interviews with staff members and students as considered appropriate to determine facts.
2.8 Informing Pearson of malpractice. Where the Director of Studies suspects that there has been any malpractice or maladministration involving a Pearson qualification, he/she must report this to Pearson using the appropriate Pearson form. Following the report of a suspicion of malpractice, the Director of Studies will complete a report on the investigation completed, using the appropriate Pearson form and send it to Pearson.
2.9 Report to Academic Board. All reported instances of malpractice must be documented and forwarded to the Results Academic Board. The Academic Board will have responsibility for determining improvements and changes that should be made to minimise the risk of future malpractice and advising the Director of Studies of changes required to policies, procedures or operating processes.
2.10 Appeals and Complaints. Students are reminded that there are separate policies and procedures in place for Academic Appeals (HEQA7) and Student Complaints (HEQA5).
3.0 Reference Documents – Links
3.1 Pearson Plagiarism factsheet
Accessed: 30-07-2019
3.2 Pearson BTEC JCQ M2(a) Form: Notification of suspected malpractice or maladministration involving centre staff
Accessed: 30-07-2019
3.2 Pearson BTEC JCQ M2(a) Form: Notification of suspected malpractice or maladministration involving centre staff
Accessed: 30-07-2019