1 Health and safety statement

1.1 Results aims to ensure that all activities carried out on its premises or undertaken by its staff are managed in such a manner to avoid, reduce, or control, all foreseeable risks to the health and safety of any person(s) who may be affected by such activities to a tolerable level

2 General Policy Statement

2.1 The organisation will do everything possible to prevent accidents and illness by making sure that health and safety considerations are at the heart of everything we do. To make this happen, we will encourage and provide training to all staff to actively take part in and support this policy.

2.2 Specifically, we will:
• Provide and maintain safe premises and healthy working environments.
• Ensure we effectively assess risks and apply measures to control them.
• Provide and maintain safe plant, equipment and associated operating procedures.
• Identify substances that are potentially hazardous to health and make sure arrangements are made to control the risks they pose.
• Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to make sure everyone can carry out their work safely. These will be refreshed every so often or when anything that could affect health and safety changes significantly.
• Investigate accidents, incidents and cases of work-related illness, so we can identify and put right any shortcomings in our health and safety management processes.
• Make sure we have effective arrangements in place to deal with injuries and reduce the effects of any incidents that could result in injury, ill health or damage to the environment.
• Make sure information on health and safety issues is shared across our organisation.
• Make sure we involve and consult with employee representatives on health and safety issues.

2.3 The success of this policy is reviewed at least once every six months and relies on all staff being actively involved. We all have a valuable role to play in showing the importance of health and safety at work.

3 Introduction

3.1 The Organisation recognises that safe and healthy working practices are an essential part of the duties of all staff of our college and seeks to encourage employee and student participation in such practices. We undertake to implement the requirements of current legislation on Health & Safety fulfil this duty.

4. Insurance

4.1 The Organisation has insured its premises, the contents within and has taken out sufficient cover for Employer’s liability, Public liability. The Employer’s and Public liability insurance certificates are displayed.

5 Nominated people

5.1 The Organisation has named members staff nominated and responsible for the Health & Safety of its members.

6 Risk Assessment

6.1 The Organisation will ensure nominated people carry out risk assessment on regular basis, and the said assessment is recorded and filed according to procedures. Job an specific risk assessments will be carried out by staff within the organisation in accordance with the relevant local arrangements, e.g. manual handling, fire, hazardous substances, display screen equipment etc.

7. Signs and Statutory Notices

7.1 The organisation will ensure that H&S Law posters, Fire Certificates, other statutory notices, First-Aid boxes, Name of Person in Charge, and other relevant notices are displaced properly and clearly and are kept up-to-date

8 Notifications

8.1 The Organisation will have and display all registrations with Enforcing Authority.

9 Fire

9.1 The Organisation will ensure its buildings meet with fire regulations, ensure adequate fire prevention and inform all concerned about fire procedures and fire assembly point, carry out regular tests and drills, fire procedures are included as part of induction and information is readily available to trainees, all escape routes are clearly signed and there is adequate method of alarm.

10 First Aid/Accident Reporting

10.1 The Organisation will ensure there is an Accident Book at each site and all accidents are recorded. A named person will oversee First Aid and First Aid procedures are covered during induction and information available to trainees

11 Welfare

11.1 The College will ensure all heating, lighting, ventilation, wash and toilet facilities, refreshment work spaces, access, egress and rest facilities are adequate and within the Health & Safety regulations.

12 Implementation

12.1 The Organisation will ensure all staff and trainees receive adequate information on Health & Safety and risks. The Company will ensure there are safe systems of work and adequate supervision for staff and trainees. All new staff will be checked for their suitability to use all equipment. All safety and protective equipment (as and if relevant) will be provided and training given for their use.


13.1 The Organisation will ensure all hazardous substances are identified, information available and training for their handling is given.

13.2 The Organisation is also committed to the use of hazardous substances to be kept to a minimum.

14 Electricity

14.1 The Organisation will ensure there is a record of testing, all electrical equipment is maintained to be in good order and information for their use is available.

15 VDU

15.1 The Organisation will ensure training is offered for the correct use of VDUs and provide information on the risks of VDU use.

16 Manual handling

16.1 The Organisation will ensure training and information is available for the manual handling of any loads.

16.2 Students and staff must only life equipment and furniture within their own individual capability

17 Noise

17 The College will ensure that noise levels are kept to a reasonable and if relevant provide protection against noise.

18 Staff and Students

18.1 Staff and Students must ensure that they:
• Take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions or omissions;
• Co-operate with the College on matters of health and safety;
• Do not interfere with or misuse any item provided for health, safety or welfare
• purposes;
• Report to management anything that they consider a serious and immediate danger to health and safety and any shortcomings in the college’s health and safety arrangements.

19 Educational Visits

19.1 Following the National Guidance we aim to:
• Ensure that staff involved in education visits, are aware of their responsibilities regarding off- site visits
• Ensure all Safeguarding officers are aware of any non-routine visits
• Ensure that all Emergency Planning procedures are clearly communicated
• Ensure that when planning educational visits, the needs of students and staff with any disability or learning difficulty are adequately catered for.

20 Reporting of Accidents/Incidents

20.1 The primary purpose of reporting accidents and incidents and any subsequent Investigation is to identify the underlying cause(s) of the accident/incident and any contributing factors and to prevent further similar occurrences.

20.2 All employees and students of the Organisation are required to report all accidents and any event that may be a ‘near-miss’.

20.3 Any reports will then be discussed in the monthly Safeguarding/Prevent and Health and Safety meeting, which next steps and actions plans introduced, if required.

21 Employees General Responsibilities

21.1 All employees have a general duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to:
• Take reasonable care of their personal safety and that of other employees and students
• Co-operate with the employer on health and safety matters to enable the employer to carry out their own responsibilities successfully
• To use correctly any equipment provided for their safety
• Report any defective equipment to their supervisor or other appropriate person
• Report accidents or dangerous occurrences at the earliest possible opportunity
• Be familiar with and observe the safety policies and procedures at all times
• Take responsible precautions to ensure the safety of other employees and students in their charge.