Code of Ethics

1. Introduction

1.1 The code of ethics lays down different principles which conform to the high standards and values expected from our organisation. As an institution, we are guided by core values of honesty, fairness, equality, openness, and accountability.

1.2 We recognise the College’s obligations to all those with whom it has dealings – students, employees, providers, partners, employers, suppliers, other educational institutions and the wider community. The reputation of the College, including the trust and confidence of those with whom it deals, is one of its most vital assets, the protection of which is of fundamental importance.

1.3 The College will seek to encourage a culture of openness aimed at ensuring that matters related to the operation of our organisation can be discussed frankly with staff, students and other stakeholders. We adopt and maintain procedures on whistleblowing which will enable concerns to be raised on a confidential basis, where that is appropriate, both inside, and if necessary, outside, the organisation.

1.4 The College is committed to equality of opportunity for its staff and students alike. We abide by its legal duties under relevant legislation.

1.5 The College accepts its responsibilities towards its students, employees, and to the community; as an organisation we are committed to meet these responsibilities with balance, fairness, accountability, and ethical integrity.

2. Values relating to students

The College will not deliberately give inadequate or misleading information on its learning programmes or other services.

2.2 In all advertising and communications, the college will avoid untruth, concealment and overstatement about its programmes and achievements.

2.3 The College will avoid recruitment practices that involve the offer of improper financial or other inducements to students or institution.

2.4 The College will make all reasonable attempts to deliver learning programmes and support services to meet the individual needs of students, efficiently and effectively to accepted quality standards, and will take reasonable steps to rectify any shortcomings in the service delivered.

2.5 Learning support, information, advice and guidance offered to students will be impartial and guided by the best interests of the students.

2.6 The College will ensure that complaints are dealt with fairly, openly and efficiently.

2.7 Within the requirements of the law, and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulations 2018, the college will maintain the confidentiality of information.

3. Values relating to our Training Partners

3.1 We are committed to collaborative arrangements that will benefit the institution and its Learners. Where we are competing with others, the college will compete vigorously, but honestly, with other educational institutions offering similar learning opportunities.

3.2 The College will not seek to damage the reputation of competitors or other third parties either directly or by innuendo.

3.3 The College will not engage in unfair or restrictive practices regarding the recruitment or retention of learners.

3.4 The College will consult with institutions and/or service providers who might be affected on any significant proposals for change in the learning programmes or the services it offers.

4. Management and Staff

4.1 Employees are forbidden from soliciting or accepting inducements in respect of any matter connected with the operation of the college.

4.2 Staff are free to speak without being subject to disciplinary sanctions or victimisation about academic standards or related matters, provided they do so lawfully, without malice and do not deliberately bring the College into disrepute

4.3 Staff can raise any legitimate concern about malpractice raising those concerns with the appropriate authority.

4.4 Staff will be recruited fairly and lawfully and any staff that might have a concern will be able to raise it confidentially with the appropriate personnel. Staff also have the right to appeal in case they are dissatisfied with a decision or think a decision has been wrongly taken.

4.5 Staff will be given an opportunity to develop personally and professionally with a training plan to ensure they operate at their best.

5. Our Principles

5.1 Confidentiality We maintain the highest degree of integrity in all our dealings with potential, current and past clients, both in terms of normal commercial confidentiality, and the protection of all personal information received while providing the business services concerned. We extend the same standards to all our customers, learners, suppliers and other associates.

Ethics We endeavour to conduct our own services honestly and honourably and expect our clients and suppliers to do the same. Our advice, strategic assistance and the methods imparted through our training, take proper account of ethical considerations, together with the protection and enhancement of the moral position of our clients, students and suppliers.

5.3 Duty of care Our actions will always conform to relevant law, and we believe that allbusinesses and organisations should avoid causing any adverse effect on the human rights of people in the organisations we deal with, the local and wider environments, and the well-being and development of society at large.

5.4 Conflict of interest We will discuss and take appropriate action to avoid any instances of conflict of interest.

5.5 Contracts Our contract will usually be in the form of a detailed proposal, including aims, activities, costs, timescales and deliverables. The quality and value of our service and support provide the only true basis for continuity. We try to meet our clients’ contractual requirements and expectations particularly for situations where an external funding provider requires more official parameters and controls. We will ensure we meet all the compliance requirements.

5.6 FeesOur fees are competitive for what we provide, which is high quality and individualised service for our clients. We may offer discounts to clients. We try to propose solutions which accommodate our clients’ available budgets and timescales, especially for charitable and social organisations. Wherever possible, we agree our fees and basis of charges clearly in advance, so that we and our clients can plan finance.

5.7 Payment We aim to be as flexible as possible in the way that our services are charged. We offer different payment terms to different clients depending on their individual needs. This is fully discussed, agreed and recorded in our terms and condition. We retain the moral rights in, and ownership of, all intellectual property that we create unless agreed otherwise in advance with our clients. In return, we respect the copyright vested in our clients’ intellectual property.

5.8 Quality assurance We maintain the quality of what we do through constant ongoing review with our clients, of all aims, activities, outcomes and the cost-effectiveness of every activity. We carry out internal audits and we are also inspected by external bodies for our service. We endeavour to meet all the compliance requirements and standards. We have frequent review and standardisation meetings.

5.9 Professional conduct We conduct all our activities professionally and with honesty and integrity. We are objective in our judgement and any recommendations that we offer in terms of support and services are in the best interests of our clients.

5.10 Equality and discrimination We strive to be fair and objective in our advice, support and actions, and we are never influenced in our decisions, actions or recommendations by issues of gender or gender reassignment, race, religion, sexuality, marital status, pregnancy, culture, belief, age or disability.

Code of Ethics