Access and participation statement

1. Assessment of current performance

1.1 Results Consortium (Results) is committed to widening access and participation in higher education. This commitment is reflected in our published Widening Access Statement and our performance in access, success and progression for the Further Education programmes we have delivered.

1.2 Results has reviewed data for student enrolment from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) for the years 2015/16 and 2016/17.

The following figures are given:

Policies and Procedures-Results

Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency; Accessed: 30/07/2018 * proportions do not round to 100% at this level of accuracy

We have compared this with progression data from Results Consortium courses (Level 3, including access to higher education programmes), see below. It is noticeable that Result’s progression data performance for ethnic minorities significantly exceeds the national figures for HE enrolment provided by HESA.

Please see below for comparable data from Results’ Access to HE programmes.

Access to HE Diploma (Nursing, Midwifery and Health Studies)

Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency; Accessed: 30/07/2018 * proportions do not round to 100% at this level of accuracy

We have compared this with progression data from Results Consortium courses (Level 3, including access to higher education programmes), see below. It is noticeable that Result’s progression data performance for ethnic minorities significantly exceeds the national figures for HE enrolment provided by HESA.

Please see below for comparable data from Results’ Access to HE programmes.

Access to HE Diploma (Nursing, Midwifery and Health Studies)

Policies and Procedures

2. Ambition and strategy

2.1 Results aims to maintain its high levels of participation from minority ethnic groups in further education, we will also target under-represented groups of students including:

Those living in areas of low higher education participation, household income, or socioeconomic status
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups
Mature students
2.2 We have set a target of a minimum of 25% enrolment from under-represented groups in higher education for the academic year 2020/2021 and have the ambition to extend the under-represented categories that we work with for subsequent academic years, subject to an increase in student enrolments.This will be achieved by continuing and extendingthe successful strategy ofoutreach used for our Further Education provision. Results’ outreach activities include:

Working with communities in uplift postcode areas
Working with charitable and social organisations to encourage promotion of further and higher education
Working with JobCentre Plus and DWP contract holders to increase the participation of under-represented individuals

3. Access, student success and progression measures

Results has the following measures in place for its current further education provision, these will be extended to our Higher Education provision:

3.1 Access

  • Through our Information, Advice and Guidance service, the signposting of individuals to organisations that can support special needs where Results is unable to provide that support
  • Through our Information, Advice and Guidance service, the provision of information about bursaries, grants and other support to overcome barriers to higher education entry. For example; details about childcare and support for carers
  • Through our Information, Advice and Guidance service, the provision of information and signposting in Student Loan application, and other student support services, particularly to: The National Careers Service, the Money Advice Service and the Advanced Learner Loan application service
  • Free support with the higher education application process for our further education students

3.2 Student Success

  • An offer of additional English language learning where appropriate
  • An Individual Learner Support Plan for each learner, supported by a dedicated team at Results that offers support in personal and professional development
  • The use of flexible teaching hours and weekend classes for those with work or care commitments
  • A blended learning approach with teaching sessions and further learning through our virtual learning environment
  • Local classes in centres close to our target groups
  • One-to-one sessions and/or small group sizes to provide a more learner-focussed teaching style
  • Access to specialist tutors for those with additional learning needs

3.3 Progression

  • A strong partnership with local employers, allowing us to refer students on to higher skills level jobs and work experience, motivating them to engage in higher-level studies to support these career aspirations. For example; progression to a top-up degree from HND level studies.
  • Partnerships with other Higher Education Institutions to allow progression to higher level studies.

3.4 Investment

  • Results has an Information Advice and Guidance service for further education provision, this will be extended for our new higher education provision for the academic year 2020/2021.
  • Results has invested in Virtual Learning Environment (Canvas) enabling flexible learning and enhanced access.

3.5 Provision of information to students

  • The Results Access and Participation Statement will be reviewed annually and published on our website
  • Fees and information about our higher education provision will be published on our website
  • Contact details for assistance with applications (the Results Information Advice and Guidance service) are given on our website. This includes information and guidance on how to access financial support.