Any candidate has the right of appeal if he/she disagrees with any assessment/examination/ decision at any stage of the process.

The following procedure should be followed: –

Appeal against the decision of an assessor/examiner

Request further clarification from the Assessor.

Inform Internal Verifier of intention to appeal, stating reasons.

An independent assessor will re-assess your evidence and written feedback will be provided within 5 working days. If assessor upholds original decision and candidate is still unhappy/dissatisfied candidate to appeal in writing to the internal verifier.

Internal Verifier will re-assess your evidence and provide written feedback of decision within 10 working days.

If Internal Verifier upholds original decision and candidate is still in dispute, appeal in writing to the Awarding Body’s External Verifier stating reason. This may include End Point Assessment, to be followed through appeal procedure of the Registered Apprenticeship Assessment Organisation (RoAAO).

External Verifier/RoAAO will investigate appeal and inform the candidate of decision. The decision is final.

All of the above must be carried out in confidence and in writing wherever appropriate.